IBM OpenPages®
with Watson™
You SHALL NOT input any type of Client-controlled personal information in this Open Pages system, including in any "FREEFORM TEXT FIELDS" or via an "ATTACHMENT". For any queries, on what constitutes Client-controlled personal information, please contact your Country Privacy Lead. Employee data GTS OpenPages contains personal information of Kyndryl employees and contractors (Name, Intranet ID, Job Roles) collected from OpenPages user registration for individuals that have A) requested access to GTS OpenPages or B) have been identified in a role associated with documents in GTS OpenPages. You can review your personal information maintained by GTS OpenPages at any time by requesting assistance from the OpenPages support team at Information stored in GTS OpenPages is shared with the application administrators and users that have authorized access. Tool users with access to this information must adhere to all applicable Kyndryl policies, practices and guidelines regarding the protection of employee information and Kyndryl Confidential information. Kyndryl has in place policies and procedures that are intended to protect information about its employees in whichever country it is stored or processed in accordance with Kyndryl’s Guidelines for the Protection of Employee Information.